Gante Building

Gante Building (HM2CIX)

Location: Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México 06000
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 26.03', W 99° 8.36'

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 Edificio GanteEl proyecto es del arquitecto italiano Silvio Contri y del ingeniero Carlos Burgatta. La construcción fue encomendada al ingeniero Miguel Rebolledo en 1922.Edificio eclectico alejado ya de las tendencias arquitectónicas del siglo XIX y que integra novedades constructivas del siglo XX. En este sitio estuvo la Capilla de los Servitas y la celda del Capellan de la Orden Religiosas de San Jose de los Naturales, obra de Fray Pedro de Gante.
English translation:Gante BuildingThis project is by Italian architect Silvio Contri and engineer Carlos Burgatta. The construction was entrusted to the engineer Miguel Rebolledo in 1922. This eclectic building was already removed from the architectural trends of the nineteenth century and integrated new construction techniques of the twentieth century. In this place was the Chapel of the Servitas and the cell of the Chaplain of the Religious Order of San José de los Naturales, the work of Fray Pedro de Gante.
Placed BySociedad Defensora del Tesoro Artístico de México, A.C. y American Express
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, October 21st, 2018 at 2:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 485373 N 2148837
Decimal Degrees19.43383333, -99.13933333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 26.03', W 99° 8.36'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 26' 1.8000000000001" N, 99° 8' 21.6" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling North
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 17 Av Francisco I. Madero, Ciudad de México Ciudad de México 06000, MX
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